APA Handbook of Ethics in Psychology

Cover of APA Handbook of Ethics in Psychology (large)

Discussions of ethics in psychology often focus primarily on misconduct, punishment, and legal sanctions, and too often ignore aspirations, values, principles, and virtues. The net effect of this unbalanced approach creates an atmosphere in which psychologists have viewed ethics as unpleasant and frightening, instead of inspiring and uplifting. Psychologists naturally must be concerned about laws, codes, and regulations, but these documents do not constitute the beginning and end of the conversation on ethics.

The editors of this 2-volume reference propose that ethics is best viewed as a striving toward the highest ethical ideals, not just as an injunction against rule violation—a perspective they refer to as "positive ethics" or "active ethics"—and they encourage psychologists to elevate their ethical observance above the minimal standards found in law and enforceable ethics codes.

Against this backdrop, handbook contributors investigate the complexities of ethical behavior in clinical, educational, forensic, health, and "tele-" psychology. Several chapters zero in on the teaching of ethics and on ethically minded research relevant to professionals working in experimental psychology.

By comparison with many ethics textbooks, this two-volume handbook covers a wider range of subjects and pursues them in greater detail. For instance, it reflects important recent advances in research and technology that present new opportunities and challenges for practice and scholarship. Also, it takes a serious look into some burgeoning new areas such as life coaching and providing services over the Internet. These are just two examples of developments that present fascinating, novel ethical questions that deserve attention.

Significant perspectives presented in the handbook include:

Ethics is more than the knowledge of the laws, rules, and regulations that govern the profession and discipline of psychology.

Table of contents

Volume 1: Moral Foundations and Common Themes

About the Editor-in-Chief

I. Moral Foundations

  1. Ethical Foundations of Psychology
    Richard F. Kitchener and Karen S. Kitchener
  2. Ethics and Ethics Codes for Psychologists
    Stephen H. Behnke and Stanley E. Jones
  3. Social Justice and Civic Virtue
    Melba Vasquez
  4. Ethical Decision Making in Mental Health Contexts: Representative Models and an Organizational Framework
    R. Rocco Cottone
  5. Institutional Ethical Conflicts With Illustrations From Police and Military Psychology
    Carrie H. Kennedy

II. Ethics in Professional Practice

  1. Competence
    Thomas F. Nagy
  2. Emotional Competence and Well-Being
    Leonard J. Tamura
  3. Competence With Diverse Populations
    Dianne S. Salter and Beatrice R. Salter
  4. Boundaries, Multiple Roles, and the Professional Relationship
    Rita Sommers-Flanagan
  5. Religion, Spirituality, and Mental Health
    Alan C. Tjeltveit
  6. Sexualized Relationships
    Janet L. Sonne
  7. Informed Consent to Psychotherapy (Empowered Collaboration)
    Andrew M. Pomerantz
  8. Confidentiality and Record Keeping
    Mary Alice Fisher
  9. Treating Clients Who Threaten Others or Themselves
    Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel, James L. Werth Jr., and G. Andrew H. Benjamin
  10. Ethical Issues With Patients at a High Risk for Treatment Failure
    Samuel J. Knapp and John Gavazzi
  11. Ethical Issues and the Beginning and End of Therapy
    Jeffrey N. Younggren and Denise D. Davis
  12. Ethics and Business Issues in Psychology Practice
    Jeffrey E. Barnett and Lindsay Klimik
  13. The Regulation of Professional Psychology
    Stephen T. DeMers and Jack B. Schaffer
  14. Risk Management for Psychologists
    Samuel J. Knapp, Bruce E. Bennett, and Leon D. VandeCreek

Volume 2: Practice, Teaching, and Research

I. Ethical Issues With Subpopulations, Specialized Settings, and Emerging Areas

  1. Treating Children and Adolescents
    Gerald P. Koocher and Jessica Henderson Daniel
  2. Ethical Considerations in the Psychological Evaluation and Treatment of Older Adults
    Shane S. Bush
  3. Ethical Issues in Multiperson Therapy
    Linda K. Knauss and Jeffrey W. Knauss
  4. Assessment and Testing
    Donald N. Bersoff, David DeMatteo, and Elizabeth E. Foster
  5. The Health Care Setting: Implications for Ethical Psychology Practice
    Stephanie L. Hanson and Thomas R. Kerkhoff
  6. Ethical Challenges in Forensic Psychology Practice
    Michael C. Gottlieb and Alicia Coleman
  7. School Psychology
    Susan Jacob and Megan M. Kleinheksel
  8. Ethics in Industrial–Organizational Psychology
    Joel Lefkowitz
  9. Life and Executive Coaching: Some Ethical Issues for Consideration
    Sharon K. Anderson, Patrick Williams, and Allison L. Kramer
  10. The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same: Ethical Issues in the Provision of Telehealth
    Anthony S. Ragusea
  11. Positive Ethics Applied to Public Education Through Traditional Media and the Internet
    David J. Palmiter Jr.

II. Ethical Issues of Academic and Training Psychologists

  1. Creating Ethical Academic Cultures Within Psychology Programs
    Peter A. Keller, J. Dennis Murray, and David S. Hargrove
  2. Negotiating the Complex Ethical Terrain of Clinical Supervision
    Rodney K. Goodyear and Emil Rodolfa
  3. Teaching Ethics: Models, Methods, and Challenges
    Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel

III. Ethical Issues in Scholarship and Research

  1. Ethics Issues in Scholarship
    Jeffrey E. Barnett and Linda F. Campbell
  2. The Responsible Conduct of Psychological Research: An Overview of Ethical Principles, APA Ethics Code Standards, and Federal Regulations
    Celia B. Fisher and Karyn Vacanti-Shova
  3. Research With Vulnerable Populations
    Joan E. Sieber
  4. Ethical Issues in Internet Research
    Michael Hoerger and Catherine Currell
  5. Deception in Research
    Allan J. Kimmel
  6. Laboratory Animal Research Ethics: A Practical, Educational Approach
    Jennifer L. Perry and Nancy K. Dess
Contributor bios

Samuel J. Knapp, EdD, ABPP, has been the director of professional affairs for the Pennsylvania Psychological Association since 1987. His primary area of interest is in professional ethics. His other areas of interest include mental health and well-being, public policy advocacy, and religion and psychology.

In addition to writing several books, numerous book chapters, and more than 80 peer reviewed articles, Dr. Knapp has given more than 250 professional presentations, mostly on ethical issues. Through his work with the Pennsylvania Psychological Association, Dr. Knapp has provided thousands of consultations on ethics to psychologists. In return, these consultees have enriched him by instructing him on the issues they face daily, and their issues provide much of the content for his publications and presentations. He feels much appreciation for the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association for allowing him to serve the psychological community in Pennsylvania in this manner.

Among his other ethics related activities, Dr. Knapp coordinates an annual "Ethics Educators" workshop in Pennsylvania; has served as a member of the Task Force responsible for rewriting the 2002 APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct; coauthored an ethics text book (Practical Ethics: A Positive Approach with Leon D. VandeCreek); served as a consultant for the APA Insurance Trust, where he worked on the well-received book Assessing and Managing Risk in Professional Practice; and received the 2009 award for ethics education from the APA Ethics Committee. He also teaches ethics in the doctoral program in clinical psychology at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Dr. Knapp is part of a cadre of psychologists, most of whom participated in this volume, who work from the framework of positive (or active, or integrated) ethics, which attempts to shift the focus on ethics education away from an emphasis on laws and disciplinary actions to a broader approach that appreciates the importance of overarching ethical principles and striving for ethical ideals. A positive perspective permeates many of the chapters in this handbook.

Dr. Knapp is married to Dr. Jane Heesen Knapp, an accomplished psychologist in her own right. They have two children, Michelle Nakasone (married to Jon Nakasone) and Valerie Dietrich (engaged to Greg McClellan); one grandson, Cale Nakasone; and currently share their loving home with Lucy, a mixed breed terrier, and Violet, a Manx cat.